Radical Acceptance

a Mindful Path

While looking for a way to be a better leader, I sought to understand the nature of empathy and ended up finding a notion of radical acceptance.  What I found interesting is that as I applied this idea to thinking about others I found it easier to think about myself in the same ways.  We all need to let ourselves off the hook for being right all of the time and accept that we innovate our way through every day.

Radical acceptance has many faces, but here are the ones that I find most valuable when thinking about myself and others.

Curiosity: The intentional act of being open to the state of the world.  The conscious acceptance of our own ignorance.  Acknowledging the more we “Know” the less we can understand.

Empathy: Accepting the experience of others as true.  Accepting what someone values is valuable because they value it. Perceiving someone through the lens of their values rather than your own.

Compassion: Accepting that all actions are aligned with the values of the actor even when our values don’t align with the outcomes.  We can decide action but not the outcome.  Ought implies can.

Generosity: Accepting that we all have equal right to the world and the joy it contains.  Acknowledgement that the behaviors of others do not change our obligations to them.  Sharing yourself without the desire to see yourself reflected back.

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